The Coaching (Assessment FOR Learning) section on the AAC Key Visual
can help us understand the place for (and power of) feedback in the learning
process. Feedback is the key
component of formative assessment, and it's importance in the learning process
cannot be overstated!
The Importance of Feedback for Students:
When students receive specific,
descriptive, and timely feedback, they are able to close the gap between where
they are trying to go (the learning target) and where they are currently. In
other words, feedback at the right time
and at the right level moves
learning forward.
Not all feedback is created
equal, however. Quality feedback
needs to be:
- focused on criteria
- frequent and timely
- collaborative, with the learners deeply involved in the process
- designed to improve student learning
- differentiated to support the learners at their level
Feedback is also tied to motivation, interest, and performance
(not to mention ego), so educators need to understand it's effect and use it
carefully. As Ruth Butler's article in the Journal of Educational
Psychology (1987) observed, the only type of feedback that helps students
to improve and to stay motivated, is comments;
providing marks as feedback does not result in any gain in performance
and only motivates the top students.
Be aware of the purpose of the
feedback you are providing, and the timing
of it as well; ask yourself WHY am I giving this feedback, and WHAT will
students do with it when they receive it. Students should be expected to make adjustments to their work based upon the feedback they receive, and they will need time to do so before a summative judgment is delivered.
So Where's the DIGITAL part of this blog post?!
Okay...so now that we've
discussed the properties of quality feedback, let's take a look at some of the
fantastic digital tools available for giving feedback:
1) Blogs: What I love about blogs is the ability to provide
feedback that is visible to others besides the intended recipient. This
benefits not only the recipient of the feedback, but other viewers as well. In
a classroom context, this means that students who view the work/feedback of
their peers also have an opportunity to internalize the success criteria themselves. My only caution
here is that the context needs to
be safe for this to take place, so ensure that the feedback is
directly related to the criteria for the task, and is formative (not summative/no grade attached).
2) Google docs: When students share their work in Google docs,
they can choose to allow collaborators to comment on that work. Teachers
or classmates can highlight portions of the text and insert typed comments. The recipient of the feedback can make
adjustments to their work as needed and mark the comment as
"resolved" when ready. The ability to collaborate in real time is a key feature of Google docs,
allowing collaborators to provide feedback, make adjustments, ask clarifying
questions, etc. to improve their work.
3) Kaizena (GAFE/Chrome
app): Kaizena is a web app that allows you to leave audio comments on Google Docs. You enable this by creating a
Kaizena profile, a place where your students or peers can go to request your
feedback by selecting a document and placing it in one of the "boxes"
you set up with your profile. Have a look at the Kaizena Blog for more details on how
to enable sharing.
4) MS Word: MS Word has had the ability to provide typed comments for years, and this
feature is still available for both Mac and PC. The PC version, however, also
allows for audio comments --
a nice feature, especially for those times when a large amount of feedback
might be needed. You can learn more about how to provide comments in Word on
the Microsoft
Support website.
5) Screenchomp:
Screenchomp is a free iOS app created by Techsmith (makers of Jing, Camtasia,
Snag It and other popular software tools) that allows the user to leave audio comments as well as text comments/drawings on uploaded
student work. Watch this
video to see Screenchomp in action.
A clear understanding and
implementation of formative feedback
can have a powerful effect on student
learning. There are many digital tools available for providing feedback,
but as is the case with most (all) things, the quality of the feedback – not the
quantity – is critical.
Feedback resources:
- Susan Brookhart is this year's keynote speaker at the AAC Annual Fall Conference - Leadership Day, and author of the outstanding book, How To Give Effective Feedback to Your Students, available for purchase from ASCD.
- Grant Wiggins has a great article on Seven Keys to Effective Feedback in the September 2012 Educational Leadership magazine, which focused on Feedback for Learning.
- Bryan Goodwin and Kirsten Miller's article, Research Says/Good Feedback is Targeted, Specific, Timely (also published in the September 2012 Educational Leadership magazine) makes an interesting connection between how frequent feedback in video games is what sustains a child's interest.
- The Power of Feedback by John Hattie and Helen Timperley (Review of Educational Research, 2007 77:81)
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